Coronado Cays Yacht Club, Coronado Yacht Club, and the Navy Yacht Club have once again partnered for a cause to host the 12th annual Make-A-Wish® San Diego fundraiser – the Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes – in Coronado on Sunday, September 26, 2021. This year’s event will take place at the Coronado Cays Yacht Club and features Jim Shirey as auctioneer extraordinaire.
With a goal of recruiting 20 teams and raising over $50,000 for Make-A-Wish® San Diego, Coronado’s Amazing Race Committee Co-Chairs Lisa Brenden and Renee Wilson are leading the charge to develop a fun-filled, adventurous bike race, an electric boat challenge, and an exciting banquet with raffles, live auction items, and plenty of wish stories to warm your heart.

Teams will follow clues during the race and compete for the highest score to win. Bike teams will consist of 10 members, and electric boat teams will consist of 6-10 members. Each team will raise funds to make wishes come true! This event is not exclusive to yacht club members; anyone can build a bike team or electric boat team, or attend the auction at the Coronado Cays Yacht Club and help donate to a great cause.
Net proceeds from this event will be donated to Make-A-Wish San Diego, a non-profit organization that grants life-changing wishes to children with critical illnesses. For children who are battling a critical illness, a wish can give them and their families a chance to believe that anything is possible. In many cases, doctors use wishes as part of the treatment plan and research has shown that wishes have proven physical and emotional benefits that may give children with critical illnesses a higher chance of survival.
Now more than ever, wishes need your support. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought added isolation and vulnerability to wish kids and their families. As we all emerge from this worldwide health crisis, you have the power to create hope and transformation for wish kids at a time when they need it most.
To register, sponsor the event, or to learn more about the Amazing Race for Children’s Wishes, visit Click on “Our Events.”