Today, we enter into Phase 3 of our CUSD reopening plan and enthusiastically welcome new cohorts of students back on campus at both CMS and CHS. Please continue to monitor our website for COVID-19 news and information including reopening plans, timelines, and resources.
We have created a CUSD Dashboard to provide our community and staff with a transparent summary of on-site active COVID-19 cases. A confirmed case indicates that a student or staff member participating in on-site activities has tested positive for an active COVID-19 infection.

Guided by hopeful and responsible decision-making, it is our desire to have students return to campus as quickly and safely as possible without compromising continuity of instruction. Our staff has created units of study which are paced to deliver content standards and assessments in the BRIDGE environment. We must be purposeful in designing on campus experiences that are capable of providing the same rigor and quality of instruction. In other words, we need to demonstrate that what we can offer, from an equity and access perspective and for the integrity of our courses, will not be compromised by our reopening plans and/or potential school closures and subsequent disruptions.
As parents and educators we are aware of the distress caused by school closures; we will not waiver in our commitment to return as quickly and as safely as possible.
Have a great week,
Karl Mueller