Submitted by Sebastian Taylor
Coronado Police Department; I Wish I Was Suprised, I’m Not…

Photo: ST Wells & Co, by Photographer Sebastian Taylor
A few days ago, I witnessed something, something which, to many would in this day and time, amaze yet humble them. The thing is, for myself, that was not amazing, was not humbling. Why? I’m lucky enough to witness acts like this every day, and will continue to for years to come.
Perhaps I should rewind…
That day, the day I speak of, I watched as both the Coronado Police Department and the Coronado Fire Department assisted a man who simply needed help getting home. As this man sat on the curb, unaware of where he was or what was going on, I watched as three Coronado Police Officers kindly and respectfully did everything in their power to help this man. As the Coronado Fire Department arrived, the Coronado Police Officers stayed with the man, both assisting and comforting throughout the remainder of their presence. It was an amazing thing to see, it always is, it always will be.
After viewing such a beautiful reality, I said goodbye to the officers on scene, began walking away, as I turned an officer said goodbye to me by name, a name by which was not exchanged that night. This may not seem as a big deal to everyone; however, to me it is. Knowing that the officers in the community not only take the time to care for each citizen, but to know each citizen, is a true dedication of themselves to this town and to each resident of Coronado.
I understand that I myself have been hard on the Coronado Police Department these past few months; however, to me, respect, trust, it is not a given, it’s earned. I’m proud to say that the Coronado Police Department (& Fire Department) have earned my respect forever. I know that the officers did the best they each could to protect me. I additionally understand that it had to be within the limitations and handcuffs that have been put on them by other government organizations, limitations that should not be affecting their ability to keep the citizens of this town safe, yet they are.
I’d like to say to the Coronado Police Department, thank you. I know the majority of people have no idea what you go through on a day to day basis, nor what your families go through each moment, as you risk your own lives for the community.
Thank you for your time and attention today, always grateful.
Sebastian Taylor