Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Coronado Crime Report (July 31st through August 7th)

The information below is provided weekly from the Coronado Police Department and then summarized for publication.


Battery Report on Ocean Boulevard

Assault occurred on the beach between a male and female subject. Male shoved the female against the wall. Female complained of neck pain and was taken to Scripps Medical Hospital in Chula Vista.

Grand Theft Report on First Street

Victim reported her jewelry stolen, amounting to a $4,000 loss.

Battery Report on Second Street

Victim’s daughter was destroying the house, breaking down doors, and hit the victim.

Petty Theft at the Shores on Silver Strand Boulevard

Victim’s phone and passport were stolen from their unlocked car.

Burglary Report at Coronado High School on D Avenue

Unknown suspect entered the campus and stole several computers.

Petty Theft Report on Orange Avenue

Two bicycles were stolen.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol at McP’s Irish Pub on C Avenue

Three subjects appeared to have been drinking in the pub, walked out, and got into two different vehicles.

Vandalism Report on Glorietta Boulevard

Unknown suspect keyed the victim’s car and fled the scene undetected.

Assault with Deadly Weapon on Strand Way and Avenida De Las Arenas

Victim was intentionally hit by a moving vehicle.

Petty Theft at Hotel Del Coronado on Orange Avenue

Victim reported four of her bicycles stolen.

Petty Theft Report on Flora Avenue

Victim reported her turquoise Electra bicycle stolen. The total loss is $150.

Petty Theft Report at the Shores on Silver Strand Boulevard

Victim left her yellow beach cruiser locked between the Hotel Del Coronado and the Shores. Four days later, she returned to the bike rack to find it stolen. The total loss is $300.

Grand Theft Report on H Avenue

Victim reported two diamonds taken from their residence. There is no suspect information. The total loss value is $24,000.

Grand Theft Report at El Camino Tower Condos on Avenida Del Mundo

Victim reported a masked male entering his garage and took his bike. The total loss is $1,500.

Stolen Vehicle Report on C Avenue

Victim reported their motorcycle stolen.

Grand Theft Property on Sixth Street

Unknown suspect stole the victim’s wallet from her unlocked vehicle. The wallet contained the victim’s ID’s and $1,200 cash.

Shoplifting at Vons Grocery Store on Orange Avenue

Suspect stole several items, including a case of beer. Suspect fled the scene through the Eighth and Ninth Street alley.


7/31/20: Driving Without a License or Registration – Misdemeanor near 1100 block of Ninth Street

24 year old female

7/31/20: Driving While License Suspended – Misdemeanor near 1100 block of Tenth Street

19 year old male

7/31/20: Driving Without a License – Misdemeanor near 100 block of B Avenue

29 year old male

8/1/20: Possession of Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 100 block of B Avenue

39 year old female

8/1/20: Outside Warrant on Felony Charge – Felony near 1100 block of G Avenue

20 year old male

8/2/20: Outside Warrant on Felony Charge – Felony near 900 block of Ocean Boulevard

54 year old male

8/2/20: Possession of Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 1100 block of Orange Avenue

34 year old male

8/3/20: Driving While License Suspended – Misdemeanor near 1100 block of Third Street

35 year old male

8/3/20: Possession of Controlled Substance – Misdemeanor near 500 block of Glorietta Boulevard

33 year old male

8/6/20: Driving Without a License – Misdemeanor near State Route 75

20 year old male

8/7/20: Possession of Controlled Substance With Intent to Sale – Felony near 400 block of Glorietta Boulevard

31 year old female

8/7/20: Shoplifting – Misdemeanor near 800 block of Orange

33 year old male

Andres de la Lama
Andres de la Lama
Andres is a senior at Coronado High School and has written for the Islander Times and The Coronado Times throughout his high school career. He has also been a proud part of Coronado’s Days for Girls chapter and this year’s president. Andres aspires to be a screenwriter will go on study creative writing in college. Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected]

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