Saturday, March 1, 2025

Coronado Rotarians and Optimists Order Out!

Bistro D’Asia provides a traditional Friday dinner for Rotarian Ginger Cox and family.

Is ordering out becoming a way of life for Coronadans? It seems to be that way for Coronado Optimists and Rotarians who encourage their friends and neighbors to follow suit! Rotarians and Optimists have been supporting local businesses and restaurants for decades, and when our local businesses really need help, they are stepping up. To prove their loyalty and to support our wonderful local restaurants, club members bought food and took pictures, complete with masks, and club regalia. 

Now that our restaurants are opening again, it’s your turn to show them how much they mean to you. And have a delicious meal in the bargain!

Rotarian Richard Williams takes out delicious food from Panera.


Tartine provides great food curbside for Rotarian Sharon Raffer.
It’s Pizza Night via takeout from High Tide Pizza for Rotarian Dan Orr and family.
Optimists make the most of their visit to Village Pizzeria. In attendance were Jon Harris, Floyd Humphreys, Bo Blumenthal, Bill Parry, Sarah Kauffman, Dennis Dorman, Marta Radcliffe, Cynthia Kosciuczyk, Rob Kracht, and Caroleen Williams.

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