The 2020 Coronado Canine Mayor’s Race is off and running, with 14 dogs throwing their collars into the ring, hoping to be elected for a two year term. Those who do not win the top billing of Mayor will take a seat on the Coronado Canine City Council, assisting their leader with all of his or her official doggy duties.

The caninedidates will campaign throughout March, with voting April 1-30 on the PAWS of Coronado website or in person at the Coronado Animal Care Facility (ACF) located at 1395 First Street. One vote = $1.00. All proceeds go to the PAWS Special Medical Needs Fund. Anyone can vote for as many caninedidates, and as many times, as they wish.
This year our caninedidates include:
Bernie, a Golden Retriever
Bobby, a Jack Russell Terrier Mix
Callie, a Bernese Mountain Dog
Clover, a Pumi
Elvis, a Yellow Labrador Retriever
Henry, a Mixed Breed – Beagle and Hound
Hudson, an American Pit Bull Terrier
Julep, a TJ Hyena (Terrier Mix)
Lexi, a Golden Retriever
Logan, a Golden Retriever
Margaux, a Bassett Hound
Mojo, a German Shepherd
Scout, a Rescue Pup – Unknown Breed
Tony, a Corgi
If you’d like to read more about the Race (and meet the caninedidates!) please visit the PAWS website: