Saturday, March 15, 2025

PAWS 2020 Canine Mayoral Election – Voting in April

The 2020 Coronado Canine Mayor’s Race is off and running, with 14 dogs throwing their collars into the ring, hoping to be elected for a two year term. Those who do not win the top billing of Mayor will take a seat on the Coronado Canine City Council, assisting their leader with all of his or her official doggy duties.

PAWS 2020 Canine Mayoral Election
Nine of the Caninedidates

The caninedidates will campaign throughout March, with voting April 1-30 on the PAWS of Coronado website or in person at the Coronado Animal Care Facility (ACF) located at 1395 First Street. One vote = $1.00. All proceeds go to the PAWS Special Medical Needs Fund. Anyone can vote for as many caninedidates, and as many times, as they wish.

This year our caninedidates include:

Bernie, a Golden Retriever
Bobby, a Jack Russell Terrier Mix
Callie, a Bernese Mountain Dog
Clover, a Pumi
Elvis, a Yellow Labrador Retriever
Henry, a Mixed Breed – Beagle and Hound
Hudson, an American Pit Bull Terrier
Julep, a TJ Hyena (Terrier Mix)
Lexi, a Golden Retriever
Logan, a Golden Retriever
Margaux, a Bassett Hound
Mojo, a German Shepherd
Scout, a Rescue Pup – Unknown Breed
Tony, a Corgi

If you’d like to read more about the Race (and meet the caninedidates!) please visit the PAWS website:



PAWS of Coronado
PAWS of Coronado
PAWS of Coronado was established in 2003. PAWS manages the Coronado Animal Care Facility and cares for the orphaned cats and dogs of Coronado while they find them their forever homes.

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