At one of the most anticipated Rotary meetings of the year, Coronado High School students took center stage, demonstrating speaking skills most of us wished we could duplicate. In the Carousel Room at the Hotel Del Coronado, the students greatly impressed more than 100 Rotarians and guests with their heartfelt presentations.
Following the guidelines for evaluating the speech presentations, three judges made the following decisions:
- First Place and $200 was awarded to CHS junior Cole Mullins. Cole’s topic was how public speaking builds confidence in teenagers.
- Second Place and $125 was presented to CHS/CoSA senior Olivia Troyer who spoke about the hypocrisy of the US theatre industry’s stated objective of presenting theatre for everyone versus the reality of exorbitant ticket prices.
- CHS Sophomore Isabela Corriere received the Finalist Award of $75. She spoke about how students can overcome learning challenges with the right accommodations at school.
Cole and Olivia will be representing the Coronado Rotary Club at the next level of the contest, with Cole competing at the Old Mission Rotary Club on March 12th, and Olivia competing at the Rotary Club in Carlsbad on March 14th.
The annual Rotary 4-Way Test Speech Contest provides cash prizes of up to $1,500 to high school students. The speeches are based on the “4-Way Test” principles followed by Rotary International:
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?