The Coronado Police Dept First Responders recently were able to enjoy Village Pizzeria dinners that were generously donated by local benefactor David Spatafore, owner of Blue Bridge Hospitality, and by the Coronado Tennis Association (CTA), in honor of our outstanding Coronado Police and Fire Departments.
The CTA’s Annual Crown Cup Tournament is held right around 9/11 and three years ago Jennie Portelli at the CTA thought it would be nice to honor our first responders. She approached David Spatafore to see if he’d like to help with a discount on pizza dinners for the police and fire departments. David offered to donate all the pizza dinners, and the CTA pays for the gratuity to the delivery staff. Jennie commented, “David’s generosity is boundless for our community!”
Each year since, CTA works with Blue Ridge Hospitality, Dianne Dannemann (the police chief’s secretary), and the fire department to schedule the deliveries. Four deliveries are made each to the police department, and the village and Cays fire departments, so that all first responders’ shifts are covered and everyone gets to eat Village Pizzeria dinners!
Jennie states, “I really enjoy doing this…it’s a great way to show our police and fire departments how much we appreciate them!”