The girls of Coronado Junior Girl Scout Troop #6136 wanted to do something special for the CHS 2018 graduates to thank them for being such wonderful influences in their lives and let them know how much our community values each and every one of them. These high school seniors have been the girls’ babysitters, coaches, lifeguards, tutors, mentors and friends over the years. So the girls are making candy leis with the goal to provide one to all 300 of the seniors at their graduation on June 14.
The leis will also be available for $10 each to other families to use for preschool, kindergarten, 5th grade and 8th grade promotions, as well as for scholars of all ages to celebrate the end of a successful school year. They make great gifts for any age and the ties can be used to attach gift cards or cash to personalize each lei.
The troop will be using any proceeds to fund a troop trip to bridge to the next level of Girl Scouts in 2019. The girls have been learning about organization of a project, speaking with businesses, advertising, ordering supplies, crafting a product, price comparison shopping, and meeting a deadline…all of which will serve them well in the future.
To help support this project, the girls have been asking for community sponsorship to assist with funding for making the leis.
Please contact the troop at [email protected] for an order form or for more information about sponsorship.