Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Community Healing

Letters to the Editor submitted to The Coronado Times are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of this publication. Submit letters to [email protected].

Submitted by Kathryn Blitt

I just last night read Brad Gerbel’s June 3rd letter to the editor.  His comments are not based on fact.

My husband Casey and I, along with Gregg and Cathy Anderson, were the sole sponsors and organizers of the May 30th forum. None of the four of us ever advocated picketing anyone. I did not hear anyone reference us while saying that. Because Mr. Gerber seems to be so sure of what was said I googled his image. I have never met him or been in his immediate presence so I do not know how he can accurately quote me or accuse me of standing by when someone supposedly referenced me. I’m not even sure what he means by us insisting we must “start local” to “stop this” so it is impossible to address that comment.

Mr. Gerbel says it is time for our community to put its best foot forward. I ask him if putting hate mail on my doorstep is putting his best foot forward?

He asked me to answer some questions. These are my answers.

I think all people deserve to live in our community or in any community of their choice. I certainly do not think the city should ban anyone. In fact to suggest I think that is ludicrous. That does not mean that I think the Hansen Mansion is the best place for a transitional home. I have looked at it as a trained social worker and it does not make sense to me that it is the best avenue for helping these women transition to life on their own. This is my opinion. I believe I am free to voice my opinion. I have never said these women do not deserve a second chance or that they should be treated with anything but kindness. If they become my neighbors, I will treat them with the same kindness I show all of my neighbors.

I find it interesting that with all of Mr. Gerbel’s misquoting about picketing he never bothered to quote me when I publicly said that although I objected to the transitional home planned for the Hansen Mansion, I fully supported the mission of Generate Hope and expressed my admiration for the work they are doing. I guess painting me and others in the community who object to the transitional home as having no compassion for the victims of sex trafficking better supports his agenda whatever it might be.

Mr. Gerbel asked me to denounce others who spoke at the forum. The forum was intended to give all Coronado citizens a fair chance to speak and voice their opinions. No one present agreed with everything that was said. It is not up to me to pass judgment on anything anyone else said, or to condemn any of the speakers as Mr. Gerbel asks me to do.

Finally, Mr. Gerbel asked if I would volunteer my time to help these women. At the risk of his continuing to publicly vilify me, my reply is no. I already have volunteer commitments that I intend to honor and family obligations that do not allow free time for additional volunteer work.

This will be my last letter. Mr. Gerbel can continue on with the venom and vitriol that he spouts all the while accusing me of creating it. If he truly wants the community healing process to begin, he will also put an end to this unproductive dialogue.

  Kathryn Blitt


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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