Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coronado Scribes Hosts Their First Open Mic Poetry Jam

scribesCoronado writers, take note. Not only is there a local group of writers who would love to meet you, but also the group is hosting an upcoming poetry jam on September 21.

“Coronado Scribes began about four years ago,” says Jerry Greenspan, who started the group with a friend. “It was inspired by a poetry read at the shop Wine-a-Bit. That poetry reading was quite successful, with close to 40 people in attendance.”

The gathering inspired Jerry, and he wondered if there might be a group of Coronado writers who would like to meet regularly. The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission was also beginning then, and at an early meeting Jerry found people who were interested in literary arts.

Currently, Coronado Scribes meets every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30 in the conference room of the Coronado Public Library. There is also a Facebook group for regular updates. “It’s been a really good experience for a lot of the writers,” says Jerry. “There has been a core group that has continued for a while, and there are always new people. The writing group isn’t just for poetry; it’s also for people who want to read something they have written.”

Toni McGowan is another member of the Coronado Scribes group. “Many of our members are published authors or have publishing contracts,” she says of the Scribes. “It is also a top-notch mentoring venue for those writers who are hoping to get ‘that’ book finished. We collaborate with other groups and schools as well. Our Scribes are college professors and successful business persons, students, artists, and well-traveled dreamers plus retired military.”

One of the Coronado Scribes members has been honored on the Avenue of Heroes–he is Brigadier General Head, USAF Ret., banner at Fourth and Orange–and he just released his new book. “He is already having movie deal interest!” reports Toni.

Toni has been behind the Avenue of Heroes initiative and credits the investigative work of the Scribes in that success. “Our poets are fabulous sages in Coronado,” continues Toni. “And our group is also composed of photographers and artists who merge their modalities in meaningful ways with their writing.”

The Coronado Scribes with their book, “Coronado On My Mind.” Photo courtesy of Toni McGowan.

What have the Scribes done as a group since their inception? “We put out a book a couple of years ago with the writing by the people in our group at that time,” says Jerry, and then adds with self-deprecation, “If it was successful, it was very modestly successful… as in we didn’t make any money!”

“For the Wizard of Oz tribute a couple of years ago, we were asked by the Arts Commission if we would do something,” Jerry continues. “We came up with a comic routine with our regular members plus a couple more people. We had one rehearsal and it was an utter disaster, but at the event itself came off really well!”

Poetry Jam Coronado ScribesNow the Scribes are looking forward to their first Open Mic Poetry Jam, which will be held on September 21 from 6:00-8:30pm in the Coronado Library’s Winn Room.

Toni says, “The event will feature a variety of poetry readers interspersed with classical piano in a coffee house setting. I am lobbying for old beatnik finger snapping vs. applause after each reading, but not making much headway!”

Jerry continues, “We’ll have a piano player to play for for the first half hour, from 6-6:30. We’ll give people time to come and sign up, and if folks want to bring copies of poems or a book of poetry that they have written, there will be a break in the middle of the session to go outside the Library and purchase these items.” He also noted there would be cookies, coffee, and an opening by Mayor Casey Tanaka, who he hopes will participate by reading a poem or two of his own. You’ve been warned, Mayor!

For more details or to contact the Coronado Scribes, visit their Facebook page here.

Becca Garber
Becca Garber
Becca is a Coronado local, military spouse, mother of three, and an ICU nurse on hiatus. In Coronado, you will find her at the playground with her kids, jogging to the beach, or searching the Coronado library for another good read.Have news to share? Send tips, story ideas or letters to the editor to: [email protected].

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