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Yearly Archives: 2014
Whale Watching January 2014
Chuck's photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014. Note the hole in his fin. I think this is...
Whale Watching January 2014
Chuck's photo taken on a Hornblower Whale Watching trip, San Diego, January 25, 2014.
Coronado CAN!: City of Coronado Council Meeting Report: Jan. 21st, 2014
Highlights of the Meeting: • Two police officers were commended for two separate life saving actions;• Proclamation of Coronado...
School District Tackles a Serious Budget Crisis
At his sixth annual State of the District address Superintendent Jeffrey Felix proposed asking votes to support a bond measure to fund local...
Coronado Unit of Rady Chlldren’s Hospital Auxiliary will meet Jan. 28
The Coronado Unit of Rady Children's Hospital Auxiliary, chartered last February, will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Women –...
Community Voices: Prevent Crime with Neighborhood Watch
It's a fact: Neighborhood Watch prevents crime. Over this past holiday weekend, Coronado experienced a crime spree by one individual who is believed to...
Nearly 15,000 Historic Photos Now Available Online from CHA
The Coronado Historical Association is excited to announce that its entire collection of nearly 15,000 historic photos is now online. Have you ever...