Sunday, March 9, 2025

San Diego City Council declares Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation

San Diego City Council President Pro Tem Sherri S. Lightner proclaimed September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month with a Proclamation in the Council Chambers to Peg Ford, President. Kathy Hagan, Vice President, Cindy Silver and Barbara Horton, Directors and members of the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of San Diego (OCA of SD) were in attendance. In addition, faculty and student nurses from some of the schools of nursing where OCA of SD makes education presentations were there. Representatives from three of the eleven schools of nursing: Azusa Pacific University, Palomar School of Nursing and San Diego City College School of Nursing were there, most in school scrubs, to show support of OCA of SD’s efforts.

The Proclamation highlighted OCA of SD’s efforts to affect change in the way medical professionals consider diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer by educating the medical community, patient organizations and the community at large to accomplish early diagnosis, improve treatment options and eventually eradicate ovarian cancer. Their remarkable efforts thus far include the seventh consecutive year facilitating Ovarian Cancer National Alliance’s “Survivors Teaching Students®” Program and second year of their inventive community outreach program “HEAR: If Only I Knew Then, What I Know Now,” which is designed to empower women through San Diego County and, the launching of their Speaker’s Bureau Banner: Ovarian Cancer Â… The Silent Killer Â…. Not Anymore!!! OCA of All their programs and information on their organization can be found at their website

“Be it Proclaimed, by the Council of the City of San Diego, that this Council, for and on behalf of the people of San Diego, in honor of those struggling with ovarian cancer and in support of local efforts to improve awareness, research and treatment, does hereby declare September 2014 to be “Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month” in the City of San Diego.” Approved by Council on 23rd day of September 2014.


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