Monday, March 3, 2025

Coronado Cultural Arts Commission to Host Writers Workshop for Seasoned and Budding Authors

The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission is gearing up to host the first Coronado Writers Workshop, an exciting daylong gathering of local authors offering writing tips, panel discussions and break-out sessions on Saturday, October 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m at Coronado High School.

Coronado has a rich literary history as both the home of world-renowned authors and the site of world-famous subject matter. In the early 1900s, author L. Frank Baum wintered in Coronado and, while here, wrote several books in his series on Oz as well as two young adult books in The Flying Girl series that were influenced by the birth of naval aviation in Coronado. Today, Coronado is home to New York Times best-selling authors, National Book Award nominees, TV celebrity writers, and authors of mysteries, cookbooks, military history books, romance novels and many other genres. The Crown City is a rich source for historical narratives and creative inspiration that has engaged and continues to draw a broad literary community.

The Cultural Arts Commission’s Literary Arts Working Team recently surveyed 60 writers, resulting in plans for the first all-day writers workshop in Coronado. The commission partnered with Coronado Eagle & Journal, Bay Books, and Coronado High School for the full day of events, including 10 sessions, 15 presenters and a chance for portions of manuscripts to be read by a literary agent or experienced editor.

The workshop’s keynote speaker will be Don Lamm, a 45-year veteran of publishing and a current literary agent. Panel discussions and breakout sessions will follow and cover topics such as social media, self publishing/marketing, print to film, memoirs, and nonfiction writing. Additional panelists include George Galdorisi, author of Tom Clancy Presents: Act of Valor; Christine Donovan, historian for the Hotel del Coronado; and Tricia Van Dockum with Ollie Media.

A special breakout session for high school students only will be hosted by award winning local author Laura Young McNeal, who will present “The Mind’s ‘I’: Turning Life into Story.” McNeal is the author of four critically acclaimed young adult novels including Dark Water, which was a finalist for the National Book Award in 2010. Prior to the session, participants will pen the first three sentences of a story in first person and then discuss and analyze each narrative as a group to learn how to apply techniques to their own stories. The session is limited to 25 students. A reduced registration rate for high school students is offered.

A wine reception will be held at Bay Books at the conclusion of the workshop.

For additional registration information and to view a complete schedule of events, visit


Mary Douglas

Staff Writer

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