Thanks to the continued generosity of many and to a Rotarian who rallied to help Coronado Schools Foundation reach it highest goal ever, CSF now projects a final tally for the March 13th student-produced event of just over $200,000. “Last year we raised $182,000 and were thrilled with that record tally. This year, with our schools needing our financial support more than ever, we raised the bar and the community came forward to support. Every donation from $7 from a Village student to $20,000 from a generous community member, helped us reach this goal,” noted Patty Cowan, CSF CEO. “It’s not too late to donate! Our parent giving was down by 25% at the start of the school year so we are working hard to continue to bring in donations in direct support of the 2014-15 school year.”
CSF is pleased to announce that Michelle Gilmore has joined the staff as Director of Development. Michelle and husband Ted moved her two years ago for our schools and have three sons enrolled in Coronado Unified. Welcome Michelle! To make a donation, view the annual report or learn more about the work of the foundation, please visit
Source: Coronado USD