Sunday, March 9, 2025

Congresswoman Susan Davis Honors Ovarian Cancer Survivors

Team members of the “Survivors Teaching Students ProgramĀ® (STS) of the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (OCNA) facilitated in San Diego County by the Ovarian Cancer Alliance (OCA) of San Diego ( met with Congresswoman Susan Davis.

OCNA’s nationwide program was implemented by Peg Ford, Chair/Founder, of the Ovarian Cancer Alliance (OCA) of San Diego, at UCSD School of Medicine for Third Year Medical Students and further expanded the program to currently eleven schools of nursing.

From the first presentation to UCSD School of Medicine in December 2008 through 2013, OCA of San Diego has helped to educate the medical community through making 100 STS presentations to over 2,660 third year medical students and residents, nursing students, practicing medical physicians and healthcare providers throughout San Diego County.

Representative Davis took the opportunity to acknowledge and present a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition to each of the volunteer team members. The Certificate states “for your work educating and providing support to the medical community through the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance’s Survivors Teaching Students Program.”

In addition in 2013, OCA of San Diego launched an inventive community outreach program HEARĀ™, If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now, for groups and organizations to raise ovarian cancer awareness with the goal to reach and empower women to be informed about the importance of early detection of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Alliance (OCA) of San Diego is committed to eradicating ovarian cancer by working towards education of the medical community for early diagnosis, improving the quality of care for patients, advancing cancer research and addressing legislative issues that affect evidence-based cancer care and research. In this regard, Peg Ford received a new honor as she was recently elected to the Steering Committee of the Guidelines International Network (G-I-N)/North America.


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