It’s the year 2154, the planet Earth has become a derelict where overpopulation and pollution have taken the best of its poor inhabitants. Those who are wealthy have retreated to Elysium, a man-made haven where there is no sickness or poverty, where the government does anything necessary to keep the “world” pristine. When the life of criminal-turned-factory worker Max (Matt Damon) becomes threatened, he is determined to reach Elysium and be cured. In his process, he comes across some information that could change the fate of his planet and perhaps could restore a little bit of life to its zombielike residents.
This late-summer flick, written and directed by Neill Blomkamp, surely satisfies when it comes to fighting. Action scenes are enlivened with the technology of weapons implemented in the film, but especially by the special effects Blomkamp is well known for.
Although the fight scenes are sure to leave moviegoers with a weak stomach, the truly frightening parts are the obvious metaphors Blomkamp chose to reflect with this piece. The film truly displays several issues that alarm Americans and have been subject of much discussion in the past few months, most distinctly immigration and government surveillance. The fear of complete government takeover and the complications of immigration legality are presented in practice. Watching the film will surely remind the audience of matters that are real off-screen, and scare them when they see how it could all go wrong. Moviegoer Cori Hutchinson claims the film is “scary in a real way.”
Perhaps Elysium doesn’t live up to the expectations District 9 set, but anyone who likes a good old dystopian action movie should stop by Village Theater this week to see it.
Director: Neill Blomkamp
Starring: Matt Damon, Jodie Foster
Running time: 109 minutes
Rated R for strong bloody violence and language throughout
View upcoming movie times here
Dani Fernandez
Staff Writer Intern
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