Monday, March 10, 2025

Monthly Archives: April, 2013

Movie Review of “42: The True Story of An American Legend”

Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford star in the story of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball It's always a pleasure...

“Senior Center is Proceeding without Adequate due Diligence and Consideration” – Letter to the Editor

Recently, covered the a public meeting where the City Design Team asked local residents for feedback in regards to the redesign of the...

Minor Fire on Navy’s LCS Coronado

Fire broke out aboard the littoral combat ship Coronado late Friday morning while the vessel was on its second day of sea trials in...

Field Guide to Coronado History: Oz

Was "Oz" inspired by the Chicago World's Fair "White City" of 1892? Another in a regular series of fascinating, intriguing, or...