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Monthly Archives: April, 2013
Coronado Ferry Landing Summer Concert Line Up
SUMMER 2013 CONCERT LINE UP ANNOUNCED DINE SHOP PLAY & ENJOY the Summer Concert Series at Coronado Ferry Landing, Coronado's first-class shopping...
CTC Students, Emma Cleveland and Jorge Partida, Film Taekwondo Video
Congratulations to Coronado Training Center's Taekwondo students Emma Cleveland and Jorge Partida, also Coronado Middle School students, who filmed taekwondo for their school! Check...
Meet Chloe Hoffman – Coffee Cart Barista and CHS Sophomore
Meet Chloe Hoffman! Coffee Cart Barista & CHS SophomoreMany of you may know that one of...
Calling all GEM (electric cart) Owners – HELP!
As one of the Crown City's newest owners of a wonderful used four-seater GEM cart (ca. 2002), I am in search of other...
Coronado High School Art Walk is Back in May 2013
At last year's Art Walk, a colorful jellyfish mural decorated the stairs near the CoSA building. The famed Coronado High School...
Chicano Park Day honors the historic park’s art and culture – Just Across the Island
After the San Diego-Coronado Bridge was built in 1969, Barrio Logan became splintered and many families were displaced. But for the last four decades,...
Registration Now Open: Coronado Summer Enrichment Program
Coronado Summer Enrichment Program 2013 Classes for K-12 Powered by CSF! Wednesday, June 12th – Tuesday, July 2nd (3 weeks) 8 am...