Friday, January 10, 2025

Reasons a Report may not be included in the weekly blotter

I have received several questions regarding the statement that appears at the top of each weeks report:

People ask: “Why only a partial list?” “What are you leaving out?” “What are you hiding?”

So here is the answer.

The weekly police blotter is not a report of every crime that happened on the dates listed above. As we all know, many crimes go unreported, if they are not reported they are not in the blotter. Also, some crimes committed during that time window may not be reported immediately. Sometimes there is a time delay which leads to a crime that took place several months ago appearing in this weeks blotter.

Occasionally there is a report in the press log that has so much information blocked out there is nothing for me to report other than the penal code infraction or violation name. The information could be blocked out because it is under investigation, involves a minor or several other reasons.

Lastly, there have been a few weeks where two to three “rear-end collision” reports or “vehicle colliding with a parked vehicle” reports are left off due to the length of other violations.

Almost every report that is included in the weekly press log given to me at the Coronado Police Department is included in the weekly police blotter.

Ashley Jenkins
Online Editor

If you have any questions regarding the weekly police blotter please email me at [email protected].


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