Wednesday, March 12, 2025

TRUTH UNCOVERED: Do Coronado Residents Discriminate on Halloween?

Having not experienced a Halloween in Coronado as of yet, this article is entirely based on what has been heard through the Coronado grapevine and speaking to Coronado residents that have shared their experiences with me.

Background: Apparently, buses of children from ‘over the bridge’ including Mexico, are brought to Coronado to trick or treat for Halloween. They walk the streets from home to home filling their bags with sweet joy (aka candy).

To handle the large volume of kids during Halloween, some Coronado residents hand out two different types of candy: cost-effective candy to the out of town kids, and nicer candy to Coronado kids.

Here’s my attempt to understand this specific behavior: I invite your thoughts on ALL of these points:

(1) Candy isn’t cheap. Just the other day, we bought a couple of boxes of candy and spent $40 easily without much thought. $40. On candy. While selecting our candy, we went through some decisions: How many kids will we expect to get at our door? Should we get all of the same type of candy, or vary it so kids can find their favorites? Are there mini-versions of large candy bars so we can share our favorite candy bars with lots of kids? Of course, if we underestimated the number of kids coming to our door, then we’d just lock up and take our OWN pillow cases to our neighbors’ doors. Either way, our decisions were based on how to get the candy to the kids. I understand being cost-conscious during this time, but that should not depend on WHO comes to my door.

(2) Given that Coronado is a small community, perhaps some folks worry what their neighbors may say about what candy their kids brought home. Coronado residents see each other all around town and of course know their neighbors’ kids well. If the kids come over and see that I’ve given them candy corn, when I usually keep Snickers in large supply throughout the year, it may instigate a lodged complaint. So would I give better candy to the people I know? In general, do people give more or better pieces to the people they know or to strangers?

(3) Can Halloween be for everyone? I know there are some ‘rules’ that apply to trick or treating. For example, if you’re not dressed up in a costume, you may not get candy. Or, if you’re ‘too old’, then you may not get candy. Are there other rules? Some kids may not be able to afford a costume – should they be punished by not receiving candy? I ask you to challenge your own ‘rules’.

Halloween is for the kids. It’s about the excitement and joy that kids get from walking around in their costumes with their family and friends and of course receiving candy.

Mmmmm. I know which box I’d want…doesn’t the packaging look better too?!!


Now it’s YOUR turn: Do you think this type of candy distribution is justified? Why?


If you have any ideas for stories, please contact Akshay at [email protected]


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