Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Police Blotter: August 15-22, 2011 Theft, Burglary & Arrests


Grand Theft- Garden equipment and golf clubs, value total at $1,050 stolen from a vehicle on G Ave

Grand Theft- Sony camcorder, Cannon Camera, Credit Cards, and $200 stolen from locked vehicle on Alameda

Grand Theft- $2,291 and checks stolen on 800 block of Orange Ave

Grand Theft- two bicycles and two kayaks, value total at $900, stolen from 600 block of I Ave

Theft- credit card stolen and $806.50 in ATM withdrawals made

Theft- credit cards, charges reported on card

Petty Theft- Stroller stolen from front porch on H Ave

Vehicle Theft- three stolen vehicles reported

Motorcycle- one stolen motorcycle reported


Burglary First Degree- credit card, withdrawals totaling $500, and $280 in cash stolen on San Luis Rey Ave

Burglary Second Degree- bicycle stolen from unlocked garage on D Ave

Attempted Burglary- suspect entered through ground floor window, nothing appeared to be stolen, Flora Ave


Possession of controlled substance (drugs) and driving with suspended license for DUI, arrest made

Burglary/ Second Degree Felony warrant, arrest made

Traffic Collision

Hit and Run- property damaged on First Street in parking lot

Collision- passenger injured in collision, vehicle towed from scene on 4th St.


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