Thursday, March 6, 2025

Segway of Coronado Moves to 1050 B Avenue, Suite D

Norman Funk of Segway of Coronado emailed us to let us know they have changed locations. They are now located at 1050 B Avenue, Suite D. Below is an article we published in October 2010. New phone is 619-694-7702.


Earlier this week, a few members were invited to take a tour around Coronado on Segways. No one had ever been on a Segway before and for Coronado locals, it seemed a bit too ‘touristy’. However, the lure of riding a ‘futuristic transportation vehicle’ on a beautiful Coronado day quickly enticed the group to glide into the adventure.

Norman Funk is the owner of Segway of Coronado (located at 1050 B Avenue, suite D) and was our private guide around the island. However, before the tour started, the group had to go through ‘basic training’ to be sure that everyone knew how to operate the Segway and knew the rules of the road regarding sidewalks, streets, pedestrians, etc. Norman was a fantastic instructor with in-depth knowledge of Segways and sprinkled in lots of humor to keep the group interested and paying attention.

After everyone passed their ‘Segway testing’, helmets and water bottles were supplied. Instructions were given to follow the Segway in front of you with a buffer of about 5 feet. There was a Segway of Coronado representative leading the tour and another one at the end of the line.

At each point of interest, we stopped (hovered) and Norman gave us historical insights into Coronado, North Island, Coronado Ferry Landing, the bridge, the Hotel del Coronado and many other topics. It was very enjoyable and we could see why tourists would especially love this tour. Plus, none of us were sweating since the Segways were doing all the work.

When you start moving, you feel as if you have ‘stepped’ into the future. It glides forward by leaning forward with your toes/body. It slows down and goes into just by leaning back on your heals. Making a turn is as easy as just move the handles in the direction you want to go. You have complete control and it requires very little effort.

One thing that caught our attention was the way that everyone reacted to us while gliding along the sidewalks. They waved, smiled and enjoyed watching us go by. You can see folks waving in the video posted below.

Norman also explained how Segways are donated to Wounded Warriors / Vets via the SEG4Vets program. You can learn more about it here.

We would highly recommend this activity to folks that want to tour Coronado and experience a truly futuristic way to travel around the island. You must be at least 14 years old and we could envision older folks enjoying this mode of travel as there is virtually no impact. They also do groups and corporate team building events. Cost is $69 per person and lasts about two hours. We did notice there were $10 off coupons in the store, so you can probably stop by ahead of time and pick up a few for visiting family members or if you want to try out a Segway yourself.

Here are a few photos and a video from the adventure:

Getting trained by Norman.

The motley crew of Segway riders.

Getting a history lesson about North Island and Coronado Ferry landing.

Segway of Coronado guide Carol is gliding along the San Diego bay near Tidelands Park.

Getting a history lesson about the Coronado Bridge.

Getting ready to go under the Coronado Bridge.


When Dean Kamen unveiled the Segway® Personal Transporter (PT) on ABC’s Good Morning America, he described the machine as “the world’s first self-balancing human transporter.” When you look at the machine in motion, you get an idea of what he’s talking about. Unlike a car, the Segway PT only has two wheels, yet it manages to stay upright by itself.

To move forward or backward on the Segway PT, the rider just leans slightly forward or backward. To turn left or right, the rider simply moves the LeanSteer frame left or right. You get the sense of power and speed, yet you also feel a sense of safety and absolute control. It all feels natural, safe, and instinctive.

The Segway PT can take you places that a car or bicycle can’t – including inside many stores, office buildings, businesses, airports, elevators, and trains. Although they’re ideal for short jaunts, Segway PTs can travel as far as 24 miles/38 km on a single battery charge, depending on terrain, payload, and riding style.

Like any invention that’s ahead of its time, the Segway PT is often misunderstood. The gleeful smiles of Segway PT riders may have created an impression that this is …well…a toy. But make no mistake. While a Segway PT is incredibly fun to ride, it is serious transportation designed for today’s world.

Segway of Coronado


Coronado: – Main Office
1050 B Avenue, suite D
Coronado, CA 92118

Email Address:
[email protected]

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