Sunday, March 9, 2025

NASNI’s IA Beach Bash a Success

NAVAL BASE CORONADO –The smell of sun block and barbeque filled the air as nearly 350 military beach-goers with a common bond packed Naval Air Station North Island’s beach Aug. 28. For more than three hours, kids darted and zigzagged to different entertainment booths. Their parents relaxed in beach chairs, far from the stress that united them all there.

“These Sailors and families have been involved in something that deserves regular expressions of gratitude from the Navy, the community, and from service-providing partners,” said Dana Ross, a programs operation manager with Fleet and Family Services.

Coined as the “Individual Augmentee (IA) Family Beach Bash,” the free event was open to all service members and their families, who already served, are currently serving or have returned from an IA assignment or global war or terrorism support assignment, better known as GSA.

“We determined to establish an appreciation and celebration event, not only about the IA’s, but for their families too,” added Ross.

Read the entire Navy Compass article here.


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