Monday, March 10, 2025

SPEAK OUT CORONADO Community Meeting was a Great Success

Thank you to the approximately 70 citizens who came out on a rainy, cold night to attend my first SPEAK OUT CORONADO community meeting in the library at 7 pm on Tuesday 26 January 2010.
You made it a great success. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing some old friends and meeting so many new people. I appreciate your thoughtful dialogue infused with respect and civility.
The topic was the tunnel.
Here are the unanimous results of the first SPEAK OUT CORONADO from the approximately 70 people who attended:
(1) They do not support the tunnel study, tunnel project or anything tunnel-related.
(2) They do not know anyone else who supports the tunnel study, tunnel project or anything tunnel-related.
(3) They are very upset (I’m putting it mildly) that more than $14,639,795.53 of taxpayers’ money was wasted on the tunnel study over twelve years since 1998.
(4a) They are very upset (I’m putting it mildly) that city council members voted 4-1 on January 19, 2010 IN FAVOR OF continuing the tunnel study which means wasting about $450,000 to $700,000 more of taxpayers’ dollars on the tunnel study.
(4b) They appreciated and supported my January 19 city council vote AGAINST continuing the tunnel study because I do not want to waste $450,000 to $700,000 more of taxpayers’ money.
(5) They do not like the proposed language of the June 2010 ballot measure on the tunnel because they think that an unintended consequence will be the misleading of the voting public for obvious reasons.
I agree. I am very concerned that the language of the June 2010 ballot measure unintentionally will mislead voters. In fact, I stated this on the record at the city council meeting of January 19.
I am still walking door-to-door in our island community and I say with confidence that there is no support in our community for the tunnel study, tunnel project or anything tunnel-related. My voting record on city council reflects this reality. Go to and click on the “Barbara’s Voting Record” page for details.
As your elected City Councilwoman it is my honor to represent you, the public, in our taxpayer-funded, representative form of city government on the tunnel and all other issues.
Come to the next SPEAK OUT CORONADO community meeting on Wednesday 24 February 2010 from 7-8 pm in the Winn Room of the Coronado Public Library.
“The most important political office is that of the private citizen.” — Louis Brandeis, Former Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court


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