Monday, March 10, 2025

Barbara Denny, Coronado’s Newest City Council Member, Gives Progress Report after Five Weeks in Office

Hello to everyone in the eCoronado community. I hope your summer is going well so far. I love my new job on Coronado City Council and want you to know that I am working hard for you since being sworn in as your newest public servant about five weeks ago. To achieve full transparency we publish my voting record on my website at This is a first in Coronado City Council history and I am receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback about it. In keeping my campaign promise to stop wasting taxpayers’ money on the tunnel study and tunnel lobbyists, I vote “no” on all tunnel matters at our City Council meetings. I also am receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback about my “no” votes on the tunnel. If you approve of my “no” votes on the tunnel, kindly contact me through my website at on the “Contact Us” page and tell me so. Also, my Park & Ride program continues to gain support over the bridge. Earlier this month Port Commissioners offered their key regional support for my Park & Ride. It’s my goal through my Park & Ride to reduce our carbon footprint by clearing our streets of the flood of cars in which our tiny island is drowning while simultaneously ensuring that everyone enjoys living, working, shopping and vacationing in Coronado. I used my legal experience and expertise in contract law to protect our city’s best interests in a legal contract with another party. Specifically, before my first City Council meeting I notified city staff that the legal contract between our city and the commuter ferry company was missing an important legal clause. The next day, city staff notified me that the important legal clause was added to the contract thus protecting Coronado’s best interests. Kudos to our city staff for their swift response. At a Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) meeting I attended to represent Coronado, the Chairman thought my cost-effective idea on how to enhance public safety, save lives and stop spending money on litigation was “excellent.” It was my pleasure to add value to that deliberation on behalf of Coronado. When you see the new public safety campaign by MTS in the future, you’ll know it was my idea as your Coronado MTS representative. In addition to shopping and dining in Coronado nearly every day, I continue to enjoy walking door-to-door and speaking with residents in order to find out what’s on their mind. This is another first in Coronado City Council history — an elected Council member walking door-to-door to stay in touch with the people. I’m receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback as I walk door-to-door. I am convinced that by continuing to expand the number of residents with whom I connect in our wide community, I am able to cast my votes on City Council with the confidence that I am truly representing all of the good people of Coronado and looking out for everyone’s best interests while protecting our City’s financial health in this dreadful economy. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer. And don’t be a stranger. Go to and tell me what’s on your mind. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours, Barbara


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