Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado Police Blotter: June 10- June 28, 2009

Thanks to the City of Coronado Police Department for providing with the below information (partial list):

Summaries: -2 Traffic Collisions -One report of a bike stolen included the CPD records this week, it was locked. Arrests: •June 28- Burglary Unspecified. The suspect is a San Diego female. The suspect entered Avenue Liquor and shoplifted one bottle of Rum by hiding it in her bag. (Avenue Liquor) •June 28- DUI alcohol/drugs. Coronado male. (900 block of C Ave.) •June 27- DUI alcohol/ drugs (misdemeanor). The San Diego male had an alcohol level of 0.08%. (Toll Plaza) •June 25- Grand Theft of Property by caretaker from an elder or dependent adult. The suspect was a male from Chula Vista. The victim’s daughter came to visit her mother and discovered that the caretaker was missing, when the daughter looked for the caretaker in her bedroom, she discovered several pieces of jewelry that belonged to the victim the approximate value of the jewelry is $200. (60 Block of Trinidad Bend) Crime: •June 10-June 17- Obtain Money by False Pretenses. Suspect took $2600 from victim by false pretenses after suspect responded to her craigslist ad. (300 Block of Palm Ave.) •June 21- Burglary First Degree. Suspect entered the victim’s garage without permission and took several items totaling $2300 (2 bikes and air tanks) (1100 Block of Adella Ave.) •June 22- Petty Theft. Suspect entered victim’s vehicle without permission and took their purse and wallet. There were no signs of forced entry. (600 Block of Margarita Ave.) •June 22- Battery on a Spouse/ Cohabitant. Two males were in a verbal argument which escalated into a wrestling match in which both sustained minor injuries. (400 block of Pomona Ave.) •June 24- Malicious Mischief/ Vandalism (misdemeanor). Suspect wrote in graffiti with a white marker at the residents. (100 Block of Loma Ave.) •June 26- Petty Theft. Arizona male entered room 106 at Crown City Inn & Bistro and removed an wallet from the room with $350 cash, ATM card, and Social Security Card. (Crown City Inn & Bistro) Elizabeth Dellinger Online Writer Intern


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