Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) hosted the Navy Region Southwest (NRSW) Annual Culinary Competition at Mercer Hall Galley Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2025. This year marked the first competition featuring sea, shore, and air commands competing for the title of “The Best of San Diego Bay.”
“This event provides culinary specialists with the opportunity to showcase their talents in fine dining,” said Master Chief Petty Officer Shenan Pacheco.
Culinary Specialist First Class Petty Officer Villarreal said “It also boosts creativity, challenges you, and allows you to apply skills that you might not normally use on the ship or in the galley.”
Master Chief Petty Officer (ret) Wes Tavares informed sailors about the opportunity this competition offers, such as cooking for flag officers, foreign and domestic dignitaries, and for large events such as Fleet Weeks. They could also end up working in dining facilities at the Pentagon and the White House or travel the world supporting high ranking staff.

“I’m excited for my future, and I want to learn more,” said Culinary Specialist Second Class Petty Officer Christian Hernandez with the NBSD team.
NRSW invited vendors to showcase their new products, giving sailors the chance to sample and write reviews on the products. The galley team compiles the reviews and submits them to headquarters, with the aim of improving food selection for Sailors.
“Food in the military is about to change. For the betterment of you, for operations, the way we cook food, serve food, buy food. It’s getting better,” said Chef Robert Irvine, founder of the Robert Irvine Foundation and guest judge at the competition.

Each participating command was randomly assigned a country to prepare a dish from.
- Naval Base San Diego – Mexico
- Naval Base Point Loma – Jamaica
- Naval Air Station Lemoore – Italy
- Naval Base Ventura County – China
- Naval Amphibious Base Coronado – Philippines
- USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) – Japan
- USS Essex (LHD 2) – Spain
Grading criteria included plate presentation, flavor, taste, creativity, degree of difficulty, organizational skills, teamwork, and sanitation. Points were deducted for sanitation violations and food waste. Judges included NRSW Chief of Staff Capt. Dwight Clemons, Chef Irvine, Chef Julia Shelley, Chef Shane Cash, Chef Karla Paez, and Chef Tiago Battastini, deciding who would advance to the finals.

“There’s lots of excitement, there’s lots of energy in the teams that were here. The one team that won outright, the flavors were incredible. I know the Navy has some great cooks,” said Chef Irvine about Naval Air Station Lemoore’s team.

Naval Base Point Loma took second place and NBSD took third. “You’re all winners in my book.,” said Chef Irvine. “I challenge each and every one of you to be better.”

NAS Lemoore won the title of “The Best of San Diego Bay” and will represent the region in Chicago at Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) Annual Culinary Competition.