Thursday, March 6, 2025

An Interview with Mary Forsberg Weiland on Addiction and Bipolar Disorder

Editor’s Note: Mary Forsberg Weiland and Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots lead singer) used to reside in Coronado.

Mary Forsberg Weiland, formerly a successful fashion model and wife of rock star Scott Weiland (singer for the popular 1990s rock band Stone Temple Pilots) recounts her life story growing up in in San Diego in a chaotic family environment featuring povery, frequent moves, divorce and remarriage, depression, suicidal ideation, and delinquency; her early and sudden success as a fashion model; more depression; her very intense and volitile marriage to Mr. Weiland; their drug addiction problems; and her very public manic episode in which she burned her husband’s clothes and damaged a hotel room. Though embarrassing, this episode resulted in her acceptance of treatment for bipolar disorder, an action which she credits with completely transforming her life and reducing her misery. Through her book, she hopes to share her experience with others so as to reduce the shame and stigma associated with addiction and bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment.

Read the entire interview here.


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