While the new year has just begun, the Coronado Flower Show is just around the corner.
A Friends & Flowers event on January 30 is sponsored by the Coronado Floral Association and is hosted by the Coronado Woman’s Club (CWC). CWC has sponsored the April Flower Show’s Container Plant Section for over 50 years. Participants can enter their plants and may even win an award at the end of the Flower Show – this year’s flower show is April 12-13. The January Workshop will provide details about the plants you can enter and provide an opportunity to take something home.
“Join us at our fun and free workshop – Friends & Flowers – on Thursday, Jan. 30, as we prepare for the April Flower Show. Together we will learn about foliage, flowers and hanging baskets for your home or yard and you’ll take home a plant to grow and nurture. You might just win a ribbon for your work at the annual Flower Show!” commented long time CWC member Pearl Szymanski, who will lead the workshop.
To register for Friends & Flowers on Jan. 30, to be held in the Coronado Library’s Winn Room from 5:30 to 7 pm, please visit the Coronado Library’s Event Calendar and click on the event: coronado.librarycalendar.com.