Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Housing Element Update Public Hearing – Oct. 17

Since 1969, California law has required all cities and counties demonstrate how they will meet the housing needs of everyone in the community. The regional association of governments, SANDAG, tells cities how many homes they must plan for to accommodate people of varying income levels. The city then creates or updates its housing plan, known as the Housing Element. This document details the land use policies to meet the projected housing needs.

The City of Coronado is currently updating its Housing Element. A Community Workshop on Thursday, October 12 at 4 pm in the City Council Chambers will be held for residents to learn about the draft Housing Element Update. A Public Hearing will also be held on October 17 at the City Council meeting.

The meetings will be available live on the Coronado TV channel and on the project website. In the coming months, there will be future reviews and consideration by the Planning Commission and the City Council with opportunities for more public input.



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City of Coronado
City of Coronadohttps://www.coronado.ca.us/
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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