Friday, March 14, 2025

Orange Avenue Banner Program “Celebrating Coronado Artists” Applications Available for Spring 2024 – Due Jan. 15

Applications Due January 15, 2024, at 5 pm.

The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission invites local artists to submit images of original artwork for the “2024 Celebrating Coronado Artists” banners series.

Banners will be displayed on Orange Avenue in Coronado during the months of April, May, and June in 2024. Applications are available online at or at City Hall. The application deadline is January 15 at 5 pm.

The “Celebration Coronado Artists” series was established in 2017. Since its inception the series has featured 86 Coronado Visual Artists and 135 unique pieces of artwork. Art submittals may be images of original paintings, mixed media, photography, ceramics, sculpture, fiber art, and graphic art. Images should be suitable for viewing via a banner format along the Orange Avenue Corridor. The Commission is seeking submissions from a broad range of media, styles, and genres of local artists. All artwork selected will be juried and artists who are selected will be notified in February. If selected, the artist will sign a release for use of the artwork on the banners as well as on for publicity purposes.

Artwork must be submitted as high-resolution jpegs. Final banners will feature the images printed in full color on double banners (two banners hold one image). The approximate size of the artwork on the banner is 60 by 92 inches. In addition, the artist’s name and / or signature will be printed on the banner. Fifteen new artists will be selected to participate in the banner display. Artists who were selected in the 2023 class are not be eligible to apply this time as their banner will be displayed for the second time in 2024.

Artists must be 18 years old or older and must meet the Cultural Arts Commission definition of a local Coronado artist. A local artist is anyone who meets one of the following criteria:

  • Lives in Coronado
  • Works a minimum of 20 hours per week in Coronado
  • Owns property in Coronado
  • Is a member of the Coronado Art Association in good standing

Four banners will be reserved for Associate Artists who meet two of the three following requirements:

  • Graduate of Coronado High School
  • Has a body of Coronado-themed work (minimum of 10 images)
  • Lived in Coronado for seven years or more

For more information on the Orange Avenue Corridor Banner Program, email Kelly Purvis at [email protected] or call 619-522-2633.

To apply, download the application online at or pick up a copy at City Hall at 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118.

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