Saturday, March 15, 2025

Join CHA for “San Diego Children and Teens During World War Two” Wine and Lecture – Sept. 21

On Thursday evening, September 21, local historian Linda Canada will be presenting a new talk at the Coronado Historical Association. This lecture, titled “World War II Through the Eyes of San Diego Children and Teens,” includes anecdotes and stories she collected by interviewing residents who were living in Coronado during that tumultuous period.

Canada created this talk because she felt that the young people of San Diego had an experience of World War II that was much different from what their parents lived through.  Not only did many fathers leave to fight overseas, but a lot of mothers took war jobs and were often gone from home for long hours. Food, clothing, and shoes were suddenly rationed, air raid sirens abruptly sounded day or night, and even activities at school were modified to provide training to help in the war effort. For youth of Japanese descent, their wartime stories may have started in Coronado, but finished in isolated incarceration camps far from home.

Through letters, interviews, and official records you’ll learn about the actual experiences of the young people of Coronado and other parts of San Diego County and their life on the home front during World War II.


For more information about attending this event visit, call 619-435-7242, or stop by the Coronado Historical Association’s museum store.

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