The Islanders played La Costa Canyon (LCC) on Wednesday, April 19th and things didn’t go their way. They started off strong, but then seemed to fall as time passed and the final score was 17-4, giving LCC a huge win.
The Coronado defense and offense was clicking in the first quarter. Leo Salata did an amazing job locking down and pushing defenders out of the area, making it hard for the LCC offense to get off a shot. Along with that, after the game was over he was awarded the “paddle,” which represents the MVP of the game, confirmation of his hard work and discipline.

Within the offensive front, the main weapons in this night’s game were Landon Sutherland, Charley Kobets, and Robby Spane.
Landon Sutherland scored two goals in the first quarter and Charley Kobets had one. These two were making great connections with teammates, moving the ball around, and keeping the competition alive. The game was super close after the first quarter. LCC was only leading by one point with the score at 4-3.
Once the first quarter was over, LCC dominated. Just like how the dark side took over Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith. The switch was very fast and LCC had no mercy for the Islanders. They would shred through the defensive front and score any shot taken.
On the flip side, the LCC defense shut down any opportunity of scoring from the Islanders. So as La Costa Canyon kept scoring, their lead kept growing. The only other goal that the Islanders had was towards the end of the game, where Robby Spane won a faceoff, took matters into his own hands and shot from far out. The ball sunk right into the cage and added one extra goal to his stats.

The final score was 17-4, with the Islanders taking the loss.
They are looking to bounce back with a win at their next home game, which will be on April 26th (Wednesday) at 7pm against Patrick Henry.