The Islanders versus the Vikings. A super intense matchup that not only took a lot of energy from both teams, but so much communication. From the offensive push, to the defensive wall being set up. This game took everyone on the Islanders to come together and work hard to beat the La Jolla Vikings 8-7.
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This game was definitely a team effort and they couldn’t have done it without goalie Emma Terry. She stepped up tonight and put on a performance. Saving many crucial shots on goal from La Jolla and allowing Coronado to take a lead and keep it.
Along with Emma, Sydney Dunn took charge of this game. After not playing in the last game due to injury, she was back and ready to create a highlight reel. She had a stunning four goals out of the total eight. Along with that, the end of the game was three minutes of playing keep-away to stay in possession of the ball to not let the Vikings get a chance at scoring. A vast majority of that time was spent with Sydney running around and it was impossible for the La Jolla Vikings to catch her.

Adding to the intensity were Julia Mineo and Marianna Dick, this defensive duo was dominating the back half of the field all game, pushing La Jolla’s offense around like they were playing pinball. Julia used her strength and powered out any attempt of the Vikings trying to get near the goal, and when she had a shot to check the stick, she took it. Marianna did a great job closing down gaps and lanes she saw to be potential threats. She would pick up ground balls, get the ball clear, and send it into the Islanders offensive possession.

Lauren Hundley played an outstanding game alongside her teammates. Lauren had three goals, two of which came from penalty shots. The other one was from her signature move, where she cuts through an open lane, receives a pass, and quickly shoots it into the back of the net.

Finally, after so many goals being scored in so many unique ways you would think it would be over. However, Grace Elardo pulled out the most wicked magic trick. A little underhand shot on goal. After sprinting around the goal and getting the ball, she juked out and maneuvered around the defender, swung her stick back, and slingshotted it underhand into the net. This goal set the Islanders ahead by one, which ultimately won the game 8-7.

The Islanders took the win at La Jolla High school 8-7, next up, the Islanders have a home game on April 12th at 7pm vs Marin Catholic.Â
Scoring Overview:
Sydney Dunn: 4 goals
Lauren Hundley: 3 Goals
Grace Elardo: 1 Goal
Total: 8 Goals