Friday, March 14, 2025

City Distributing E-Bike Campaign Materials, Bike Rodeo Set

E-bike safety brochures and flyers are being distributed to local schools, bike rental facilities and hotels, as well as to City facilities around Coronado. The goal of the City’s newly launched e-bike safety campaign is to educate the community on safety, preparedness and accident prevention.

The City’s Police Department recently announced it will host a bike rodeo on Dec. 10 which will focus on general bike safety as well as e-bikes. The “E-bike & B-safe Coronado!” campaign is an ongoing initiative that will focus on all e-bike users, including youth.

The campaign includes handouts on safety tips, a list of frequently asked questions, and a handy foldable brochure on road rules in English and Spanish. It also includes e-bike safety videos, a planned bike rodeo, as well as a review of the City’s current regulations.

As part of the City’s efforts, an internal ad-hoc committee was recently formed to take a closer look at the growing use of e-bikes within Coronado. The committee is led by the City Manager’s Office with representatives from various City departments, including public safety. The committee also will incorporate feedback from the community and the City’s Mobility Commission. The goal of these efforts is to analyze e-bike usage to develop ongoing ways to engage and educate the public on the safe operation of e-bikes. The City will review current regulations and possibly infrastructure to address what has become a growing concern in Coronado. The City has heard concerns about e-bike riders without helmets, getting distracted by cell phones and not stopping at red lights and stop signs. The City will work with our local schools, the Navy, hotels, and bike rental shops to share knowledge and best practices.

“Our goal with this campaign and the committee is to analyze e-bike usage to develop ongoing ways to engage and educate the public on the safe operation of e-bikes,” Assistant City Manager Tony Winney said. “We plan to review current regulations and possibly infrastructure as it relates to e-bikes to address what has become a growing concern in Coronado.”

Watch this Public Service Announcement (PSA) video featuring City Manager Tina Friend and Coronado Police Officer Qui-Lan Dang, the first in a series of e-bike safety videos the City is planning.

The City’s Police Department has planned a Bike Rodeo, similar to three held in the spring, in November. A date is being determined. Police Department personnel will host the Fall Bike Rodeo near the Police Department facility and it will focus on:

  • educating juveniles on bicycle safety,
  • explaining rules of the road, and
  • developing safe riding skills.


The City will have promotional materials available at various City facilities as well as at local schools, bike rental shops and via various civic organizations. To learn more about the E-bike & B-safe Coronado! campaign, visit

City of Coronado
City of Coronado
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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