Thursday, February 27, 2025

Coronado Unified Standardized Test Scores Among Highest In San Diego County

Full Report To Be Presented At October Board Meeting

Source: Coronado Unified School District

On October 20, 2022 Coronado Unified School District Senior Director of Learning Dr. Megan Battle will present a comprehensive report to the school board detailing assessment results from the 2021-22 school year.

The report will include CAASPP (the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) and AP (Advanced Placement) scores, as well as locally facilitated assessments in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. CAASPP is a state mandated test given to grades 3-8 and 11. AP is a College Board test given to high school students who complete AP courses and choose to take the test.

Annually, districts receive test results from the previous year in the fall and use the data to reflect on best practices and identify areas that need additional focus and resources. District administrators compare the data in two ways: relative to their previous scores, and relative to comparative schools and districts.

CAASPP test scores have been released for San Diego County; the State has announced it will release statewide results in December in conjunction with the public school Dashboard.

“We are looking forward to presenting our assessment data to the community next week,” said Superintendent Karl Mueller. “The presentation will be an opportunity for the public to hear accurate and detailed information with context, directly from the experts in our Learning Department.”

In 2022 CUSD administered CAASPP tests to 1,393 students in the areas of ELA, Math, and Science. Test scores are recorded in four categories: Standards Exceeded, Standards Met, Standards Nearly Met, and Standards Not Met.

In ELA, CUSD ranked first among all unified school districts in San Diego County with an overall average of 76 percent of students achieving scores that met or exceeded the standards. The county average for students at or above standard in ELA was 53 percent. The highest performing grade level in CUSD was Silver Strand 3rd grade at 86 percent. Only 8 percent of CUSD students did not meet the ELA standards.

In math, 65 percent of CUSD students scored at or above standard, which represents a slight decrease from 2019 (67 percent), but an overall increase from the benchmark set in 2015 (60 percent). CUSD ranked second behind Poway (66 percent) among unified districts in the county. The county average is 39 percent at or above standard. At the primary level, Silver Strand 3rd grade scored the highest with 85 percent at or above standard. At Coronado Middle School, 6th and 8th grade math scores dipped to 55 percent and 51 percent respectively; while 7th grade was at 75 percent, which was not only higher than the pre-pandemic average, but higher than any year since a baseline was set in 2015. Only 13 percent of CUSD students did not meet the standards in Math.

In science, students are tested in grades 5, 8, 11/12. An average of 58 percent of Coronado students met or exceeded the standard, which ranked second among unified districts in San Diego County (the county average was 34 percent at met or exceeded). Silver Strand 5th graders topped the CUSD chart with 79 percent of students at or above standard.

In her presentation on October 20, Dr. Battle will break down the overall scores by grade levels and school sites.

“There are many factors that go into our analysis of the scores. It’s not as simple as throwing out one number to tell the story. Internally we do a deep dive into who took the test; were they new students or part of a returning student cohort, did certain demographic subgroups perform higher or lower. Even the test itself is broken down into four areas within ELA and three areas within math. We examine each of those individually,” said Dr. Battle. The Learning Department report will include granular information of the test results.

While CAASPP testing offers insight into both primary and secondary student achievement as well as cohorts over time, AP testing is specific to high school. Students enrolled in AP classes are not required to take the exam even if they are enrolled in the class; and they can take as many AP subject exams as they desire. Tests are scored from 1-5, with scores of 3,4, or 5 generally considered ‘passing’ and potentially eligible to earn college credit.

In 2022, 285 CHS students took 603 AP exams in 21 different subject areas. Overall, 80 percent of CHS students received a ‘passing’ score of 3, 4, or 5; with 20 percent of those earning a score of five. In comparison to pre-pandemic, in 2019 the pass rate was 84 percent with 19 percent earning the top score of five. In all but three subject areas, CHS scores were above global average pass rates, and in English Literature/Composition and Art Drawing CUSD had a 100 percent pass rate.

Overall AP pass rates were consistent with pre-pandemic scores, and pre-4×4 bell schedule change. CUSD AP students continue to have high pass rates, and on par with other 4×4 high schools that report some of the highest pass rates in the county.

“We are grateful to our engaged and professional educators who continue to adjust to the pace and sequence of the 4×4 schedule. Our faculty teach the requisite skills and content for our students to be successful. As we build additional student supports, we anticipate our pass rates will continue to increase,” said Mueller.

In her presentation Dr. Battle will provide information with AP scores in comparison with previous years and state and global averages.

In summary, despite a national trend of declining student achievement after the pandemic disruption, CUSD students have, in most cases, held steady or made gains in measured academic achievement data. The district remains one of the highest performing districts in the county.

“Every year, when we examine assessment data, there are areas of celebration and areas for critical examination. This year is no exception. That being said, we are pleased with our overall results, understanding that we have important work ahead. These results are a testament to the commitment and professionalism of our staff throughout the pandemic, our supportive parents, and, most importantly, our resilient and hardworking students,” said Mueller.

Source: Coronado Unified School District




Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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