Updated September 12, 2022

The Coronado Democratic Club will be hosting two candidate forums in September at the Library’s Winn Room. Both forums are nonpartisan community events and everyone is welcome to attend.
The moderator for both forums will be Professor Emeritus of Political Science Carl Luna from Mesa College. Since the Winn Room is limited to 115 attendees, the club is live streaming the events as well as recording them for later viewing.
CUSD Candidate Forum
On Saturday, September 17th the Coronado Democratic Club is hosting a candidate forum for those running for the CUSD Board of Trustees. The forum will be held in the Winn Room at the Coronado Library and begins at 2 pm. This is a nonpartisan, community event and everyone is welcome to attend. Nine of the eleven candidates have confirmed they will participate.
Live Streaming Information: To watch from home, go to https://coronadodemocrats.comÂ
City Council Candidate Forum
On Monday, September 19th the Coronado Democratic Club is hosting a candidate forum for those running for the Coronado City Council. The forum will be held in the Winn Room at the Coronado Library and begins at 5:45 pm. This is a nonpartisan, community event and everyone is welcome to attend. All four candidates have confirmed they will participate.
Live Streaming Information: To watch from home, go to https://coronadodemocrats.
Moderator: Carl Luna Short Bio 2022
Carl Luna is professor emeritus of political science at San Diego Mesa College and a visiting professor at the University of San Diego. He has taught thousands of San Diego college students from every neighborhood and community of San Diego, providing courses ranging from American Politics to International Political Economy. In 2014 the Association of Community College Trustees recognized him as one of the 5 top community college professors in the country.   He is a frequent non-partisan commentator on politics, giving almost two thousand  interviews to local, national and international media including public radio and TV, CBS, NBC, the Associated Press and the BBC.  Dr. Luna has provided extensive analysis of local and national politics for over 20 years for San Diego KPBS Radio & Television and has been San Diego Fox5’s political analyst for over a decade. He has written and blogged extensively for the San Diego Union Tribune and San Diego City Beat Magazine and is a contributing author to the anthology of presidential biographies, Public Pillars, Private Lives and a revised volume on the presidency:  Imperial Presidents: The Rise of Executive Power from Roosevelt to Obama.   Dr. Luna is co-chair of Restoring Respect, a community initiative promoting greater civility in San Diego dialogue supported by a consortium of academic institutions and community groups. In this capacity Dr. Luna organized and conducted ten Restoring Respect conferences attended by hundreds of San Diego community members, students and local educational and civic leaders to participate in panels and discussions including  nationally recognized speakers In 2014 he became the first director of the Institute for Civil Civic Engagement, formed between USD and the San Diego Community College District’s City, Continuing Education, Mesa and Miramar Colleges. Over the past 30 years Dr. Luna has given dozens of community presentations on political topics ranging from citizen-initiative zoning to threats facing American democracy  to a wide variety of community groups and facilitated numerous community discussions and public debates across San Diego.  In 1999-2000 Dr. Luna  served as a senior Fulbright Scholar lecturing on international relations and economics at Nizhny Novgorod State University in the Russian Federation. Dr. Luna had a front row seat to the rise of Putin and the fall of Russian democracy, which has informed his academic and civic pursuits ever since.
To learn more about City Council candidates, click here.
To learn more about CUSD board candidates, click here.
Edited September 12, 2022 with live streaming information.