Friday, March 14, 2025

Coronado Cays Park Master Plan Update

Image: Google maps

The City’s Parks and Recreation Committee held a meeting last week that included an update on plans to improve Coronado Cays Park, the largest City-owned park, and joint-use sports fields.

At the May 17 meeting, City staff provided Commissioners and the community with a summary of tasks completed on the project before the pandemic to develop a Coronado Cays Park Master Plan as well as efforts being developed to re-start the project. Many in the community provided input at the meeting.

“The City wants to hear from residents,” said Coronado Interim City Manager Mark Ochenduszko. “We plan to continue to listen to community feedback before we identify any conceptual improvements.”

The City is aware that the Coronado Cays Homeowners Association is conducting an online survey to understand whether community opinions about the project have changed over the last year. The City plans to review the results as soon as they are made available, sometime around the end of June, and provide a project update to the Parks and Recreation Commission, along with recommendations from City staff on how to proceed.

Cays Park is showing signs of stress and wear due to increased use and insufficient irrigation coverage. To address these issues and due to the age of the Park, the City embarked on a project that would be outlined in a master plan to help the City create a long-range vision that can be implemented over time.

The process began two years ago, when the City held public workshops on Oct. 16 and 19 of 2019. Attendees were given a short presentation and an opportunity to ask questions before being asked to complete two surveys: Coronado Cays Park Use and Amenity Survey, designed to solicit information regarding each respondent’s current use of the park and desire for improvements; and Coronado Cays Park Visual Preference Study, designed to gauge the aesthetic preferences of respondents. Both surveys were also available online for a period of 30 days. The results of these surveys were presented to the City Council on Dec. 17, 2019, and are available for download on the project webpage.

In the meantime, any proposed concepts for an updated design will be prepared after receiving community input.


City of Coronado
City of Coronado
A small beach community with an island feel. Incorporated in 1890, Coronado has a rich history and exceptional community assets in a village atmosphere.

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