Saturday, February 22, 2025

Shop Coronado. Tell Them Emerald Keepers Sent You

Earth Day is April 22, 2021

This Earth Day, Emerald Keepers is partnering with MainStreet and the Coronado Chamber of Commerce for Shop Coronado! Tell them Emerald Keepers sent you! We are encouraging people to Shop Coronado before ordering online or driving over the bridge to reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions by keeping it local. In 2019 alone, U.S. orders on Amazon produced enough plastic waste to circle the Earth 500 times!

This year’s Earth Day theme is Restore the Earth. We think it is a good time to Restore our Community too by making Earth Day every day! Coronado has wonderful shops and restaurants we all love. As we emerge from the pandemic, Emerald Keepers, MainStreet and the Coronado Chamber of Commerce urge you to spend money in our local shops, for our merchants, for our community. It is the eco-friendly way you can make a difference.

Please join us in showing our local shops and restaurants some love.

⇒   Find other Earth Day events here   ⇐


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