Updated December 3, 2020 5:02pm for the 2020 Election with San Diego County Registrar of Voters data.

The Los Angeles Times launched an interactive “results map” that displays election results by zip code or city. The results are not official at this time, but current numbers show that Coronado voters (zip code 92118) voted for former Vice President Joe Biden over President Donald Trump.
According to the San Diego Registrar of Voters, as of 11/1/2020, Coronado has a total of 11,572 registered voters of which 4,510 are registered Republicans and 3,504 are registered Democrats. There are other minor political party affiliations as well as 2,876 that declined to state their political party affiliation.
The Coronado Times researched the last seven elections going back to 1992 and confirmed that Coronado voters chose a Republican presidential candidate every time over their Democratic opponent. All data below comes directly from the Supplement to the Statement of Vote which has been certified by the Office of the California Secretary of State, Elections Division. Links are provided under the results of each election. Results from 1992 and 1996 had poor quality scans, but the numbers were still able to be determined.

UPDATED 2020 Votes Cast by Coronado Registered Voters (results as of Dec. 3, at 5pm)
(D) Joe Biden: 5308
(R) Donald Trump: 4575
data source: livevoterturnout.com/SanDiego/LiveResults/en/Index_10.html
2020 Votes Cast by Coronado Registered Voters (results as of Nov. 18, at 5pm)
(D) Joe Biden: 4767
(R) Donald Trump: 3915
data source: latimes.com/projects/trump-biden-election-results-california/
2016 Votes Cast by Coronado Registered Voters
(R) Donald Trump: 4213 (won election)
(D) Hilary Clinton: 4024