Sunday, March 16, 2025

Pet of the Week | Zelda a Tortie Cat for Adoption

11.21.18 paws of coronado pet of the week zelda a tortie cat for adoption

Zelda Is One Great Cat-sby

Zelda is a tortoiseshell beauty with a vivacious personality and a zest for life. If you are looking for a fun and playful girl, Zelda may be the feline for you!

  • Zelda is a fun and spunky cat who loves her play time. She is fond of toys and can often be seen with a ball or toy mouse in her mouth.
  • Zelda is also quite interactive and loves playing games with her human pals.
  • Once playtime is over, Zelda appreciates a good petting session and will rub and roll for some human affection.

Zelda lives in the cat community with other cats. She is interested in some cats more than others. We think she would be a great second cat for the right feline friend, or she would do well as an only cat if you give her lots of attention.

Zelda’s Stats
Female Cat, 1-1/2 Years Old, DSH, Tortoiseshell, Shots Up To Date, Spayed, Microchip Implanted, Tested for FELV & FIV, Dewormed, Flea Preventative Applied, Adoption Fee = $50.00

Are you looking for a spritely feline to keep you entertained and be your loving feline companion? If you are, you need to come meet Zelda at the Coronado Animal Care Facility! The facility is open daily between 9:00 am and 11:30 am and 12:30 pm and 4:00 pm (except major holidays). It is located at 1395 First Street at the south end of the Ferry Landing complex.

You can contact the Cat Adoption Team with any questions not answered on our website by calling Bob at 619-840-9727.

And please check out Zelda’s full profile and those of the other cats for adoption on the PAWS cats for adoption page.

PAWS of Coronado
PAWS of Coronado
PAWS of Coronado was established in 2003. PAWS manages the Coronado Animal Care Facility and cares for the orphaned cats and dogs of Coronado while they find them their forever homes.

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