Tuesday, March 18, 2025

2018 Turkey Coloring Contest

The Fall Season officially began on September 22nd and with it comes the annual Turkey Coloring Contest. The City of Coronado with the Support of the Coronado Junior Women’s Club hosts this contest each year to celebrate the artistic talent of children in Coronado.

The Turkey Coloring Contest is open to all kindergarten through fifth-grade students who either live in Coronado or attend school in Coronado. Using crayons, markers or colored pencils, junior artists are encouraged to color the outlined turkey in the most creative way that they can!

Prizes will be awarded by the mayor and city council to the top entries in each division (K-1st Graders, 2nd-3nd Graders and 4-5th Graders) at the November 6th City Council Meeting. So that the winners can be recognized in time to pick up their Thanksgiving Prize, the contest will be held from October 2-23, 2018. Children can bring their completed entries to the Coronado Community Center, 1845 Strand Way by October 23rd  to be judged as a potential prize winner.

Please note that embellishments like glitter, feathers or sequins are not allowed. Also, children are expected to color the turkey on their own without help from an adult. Click HERE to download the turkey. For questions regarding the Turkey Coloring Contest, please contact the Coronado Recreation Department at (619) 522-7342.

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