Monday, March 17, 2025

Coronado Resident is “Top One” in Hall of Fame

Len KaineLen Kaine, Founder and President of the Golden Rule Society charity, has been named “Top One” Hall of Fame, Inductee.

Joel Griffing, PhD, Founder of the “Club-Hope Hall of Fame” has recognized Len Kaine’s selfless dedication as a non-paid volunteer for more than forty-six years in the pursuit of two primary life goals: World Peace and improving the lives and the opportunities of people throughout the world.

In over four decades of hard work and total devotion to these goals he’s built an international outreach program espousing a simple but very elegant philosophy…

“To better the lives of others is your life’s greatest reward, which makes the rest of your life the best of your life.”

He also modernized the Golden Rule to say… “With hope in your heart, Treat others the way you want to be treated, Truthfully, with Dignity and Respect.”

From the beginning, Len Kaine’s vision of a world at peace ironically sprung from his experience as a Navy fighter pilot while flying combat missions over North Vietnam. There, in the midst of the horrible destruction and death on both sides, he envisioned the serenity, the beauty, and the great possibility of a world without war, a world at peace and a people, old and young, living better, more prosperous lives.

Following a gallant and distinguished career of service to his nation, Mr. Kaine launched a second career as an airline pilot, but that single, persistent vision continued to reverberate and gestate. In 1972, his epiphany finally coalesced—he launched his first major charitable event—a fund-raiser designed to support and benefit the families of ‘Prisoners of War’ and those service members ‘Missing in Action’ and ‘Killed in Action.’

This campaign proved extraordinarily successful and a tipping point. It quickly gained national notoriety and has since become the architecture used to design scores of follow-on projects and programs which have resulted in recognizing the Golden Rule Society (GRS) as one of the premiere international non-profit charities.

But perhaps the apex of his early achievements came in the form of a surprise nomination for the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize submitted by Mr. Dave Cox, California’s State Assembly Leader. The justification, in part, states, “I know of no one who has done so much for so many for so long a time. I can’t imagine anyone, anywhere in the world who is doing more for peace among all the nations than Mr. Kaine. Nor can I imagine anyone more worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.”

That was only the first of several other Nobel Peace Prize nominations. For continued pursuit and dedication to his goals of promoting peace and bettering the lives of people worldwide, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, 2017, and 2018.

Vast strides in voluntary humanitarian service by Len and the GRS got the attention of the President of the United States. In September, 2006, Len’s good friend and fellow pilot, Senator John McCain, presented Len with “President George W. Bush’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteer Service.”

In 2010, for his contribution and commitment to American veterans, the U. S. Department of Veteran Affairs presented him with the “Veteran of the Year award.” He also earned awards and recognition from two Congressmen, a state assemblywoman, and four veterans organizations.

In 2011, Len was selected from a broad field of well-known motivational speakers to anchor a weekday blog-talk radio show, broadcast to more than 100 countries sharing the Golden Rule Society philosophy to help make it a better world.

In 2013-2014, Len worked with the Reverend Jesse Epps, a partner of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to conduct a national program, “Rebirth of America” (ROA). Reverend Epps, the leader of “Neighbors Uniting American Families” (NUAF), made a stunning headway in supporting peace and harmony in neighborhoods throughout the USA and the world.

Len Kaine’s passion and the success of his titanic efforts apparently attracted a number of like-minded people. The Golden Rule Society (GRS) is led and managed by a phalanx of highly educated professionals and dedicated leaders with strong ties to the community and other service organizations, all bound by that common vision—a world at peace. Through Len’s “follow-me” management style, the GRS has also been the recipient of a number of citations, letters of commendation and awards…

  • Community Spirit Award from International Committee of Kiwanis International—2003
  • Placed on the National Roll of Honor in Washington, DC —2002
  • Best of Coronado Award for Charitable Institutions in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014 & 2015 was presented by the Small Business Institute for US Commerce Associations.
  • Letter of Commendation from the Under Secretary of Defense (Director of Youth Activities)—2002
  • Certificates of Appreciation from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chief of Naval Operations—2002
  • Honored by the “Avenue of Heroes” program for his selfless service and sacrifice in the defense of our nation while serving as a Navy fighter pilot during the Vietnam War. Len shares this honor with several distinguished American patriots including General “Jimmy” Doolittle of World War II fame.
  • Honorary Member of the National Committee of Star-Spangled America; the Golden Rule Society is now a member of its National Coalition—2015

Many gifts and benefits for families, and children of all ages, plus churches, charities and  businesses can be found at

Len Kaine has devoted more than forty-six years of his life to better the lives of young and old, men and women of all nations and of all walks of life.  Through his unwavering commitment and single minded focus, his efforts and actions have touched and improved the lives of millions. Further, in teaching the ways of the Golden Rule, he has immeasurably improved and fostered a mind-set conducive to a world at peace.

PhD Joel Griffing
All-American in Basketball and Golf @ Mansfield Univ. 1969 (PA)
PhD in mathematics and a “Presidential Advisor”, plus spent time advising the British Parliament in London.
The Hope Collection, through its “Club-Hope, Hall of Fame”, recognizes outstanding Members who have lived a “Fruitful Life” serving others.
They have “Helped Others, by Helping Them, Help Others!”

RelatedLen Kaine Receives Golden Rule Society Week Proclamation for July 4-10 and Fourth Nobel Peace Prize Nomination


Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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