Friday, March 14, 2025

Orange Avenue Banner Program Open to Local Nonprofits for 2019 Series – Applications Due September 15

The City of Coronado has adopted updates to the Orange Avenue Banner Program. The program, initiated in 2016 and funded through a Discover Coronado Community Enhancement Grant, displays banners on the Orange Avenue corridor from First Street to Avenida de las Arenas.

The banner program includes two of five series open to local nonprofit organizations seeking to display banners along Orange either during the September 15 through Thanksgiving series or the January through March series. Visit to download the Orange Avenue Banner Policy documents and an application to be considered for the open banner series under the Opportunities Menu on the website.

The purpose of the program is to accentuate the city’s main thoroughfare, welcome citizens and visitors to Coronado’s main street, and to celebrate Coronado traditions including holidays, events and activities. The City also wants to limit and regulate banners to maintain safe and effective travel through the City and avoid over-commercialization. The 2018 National Citizen Satisfaction Survey polled Coronado residents and nearly 80 percent of respondents support the display of the banners on a year-round basis.

Goals of the program include adding color, excitement and a festive look to Orange Avenue, celebrating cultural and civic events and promoting Coronado traditions. The program is administered by the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission. A Banner Committee, comprised of volunteers from the Cultural Arts Commission, Coronado MainStreet and Discover Coronado review and recommend to the City Council all banner designs and updates to the program.

Application deadline for the January through March series is 5 p.m. on September 15, 2018. Contact the Contract Arts Administrator for a pdf or hardcopy.

For additional information, please contact:  Kelly Purvis, Contract Arts Administrator         [email protected] or 619.341.0137 (cell).

About the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission: The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission was established by the Coronado City Council in 2011. It is a seven-member commission charged with providing recommendations and taking action to “foster the development and enjoyment of performing, visual, cultural, and other arts in Coronado.” For more information: The Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meetings are open and the public is invited to attend. Agendas and Minutes of current and previous meetings are posted and available on the City’s website:


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