Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Flower Show is Calling All Shutterbugs

This year the Coronado Flower Show will host a photography competition of roses and flowers. If you have (or plan to have) potentially prize-winning floral photos, you are encouraged to enter them, but you’ll need to make a reservation by Wednesday, April 5.  Contact Sally Long at [email protected] to register.

Flower Show signThe Annual Flower Show will be held April 8 and 9 at Spreckels Park. This year’s theme is “Our Family Tree… Out on a Limb.”

All entries, including photography, are free, and you can enter up to two photo entries per category/section for a maximum of four for the show. All photos must be mounted and matted. No glass or frames are permitted. Photos can be no smaller than 5 by 7 inches, and no larger than 8 by 10 inches; mats can be up to 11 by 14 inches.

Photographs taken with film or digital equipment are equally welcome. Any photo that uses photo-editing software for any reason other than cropping, rotation, lightening, darkening, minor clean up corrections or sharpening of image will be severely penalized (except for the section, “Flower Art.”) Categories that require or encourage creative interpretation are immune to this penalization.

Three types of Rose Photography will be included in the contest: a single bloom, a fully open rose, and a “Cinderella” class that is a horticultural rose specimen that does not fit the criteria for classes 1 or 2 (for example, rose hips, foliage, hybrid teas, or miniatures with side buds, critters on roses, and multiple sprays).

Another section is “A Flower” – a single bloom that is not a rose.

Budding photographers,” age 17 and under, will be judged separately in the Single Bloom and “A Flower” sections.

In the section “Our Flower Garden,” flowers of a private garden should dominate the photo.

In the section “Flower Art,” photographs should evoke a sense of originality and a new and different way of imaging flowers with the mind’s eye. This may include processes used to alter the original image such as colorizing, texturing, dodging, burning, dithering, painting, shadowing, blurring, layering, cloning, filtering, merging, cropping. Color, Black and White, Sepia or combinations of these are permitted in this class. Photo enhancement software is permitted in this class.

In the class, “Creative Interpretation,” a photograph may have non-objective or altered reality, design, form, or components of a plant(s) or flower(s).

A complete set of rules and directions for dropping off and collecting entries is contained in the 2017 Coronado Flower Show schedule, available at the Visitors Center, Library, florists and other locations throughout the city.

First, second, third and fourth place awards or no award may be given in each Class.  Multiple ribbons may be awarded. Special awards are set forth in the schedule.





Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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