Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Caltrans Begins to Install “No Ped Crossing” Signs at Third and Fourth Streets

IMG_1990The California Department of Transportation yesterday began installing several pedestrian restrictions along Third and Fourth streets at A, B and C avenues after it conducted a review of pedestrian travel patterns in the area.

Caltrans has decided to restrict pedestrian crossing on B at Third and Fourth. “No Ped Crossing – Use Crosswalk” signs are being placed on both sides of Third east of A for traffic heading into Coronado off the San Diego-Coronado Bridge, and east of Orange Avenue on both sides of Fourth for traffic heading out of Coronado. Caltrans also striped some crosswalks.

Caltrans is not required to consult with or notify the City prior to making modifications to the state highway.

The City of Coronado continues to look for ways to improve safety in the area. This is a residential zone and a pedestrian neighborhood. As a result of a Third and Fourth Streets Corridor enhancement project, Caltrans approved limited bulb-outs 3-4 feet from the curb line at Fourth and B that were installed in 2011. Bulb-outs provide a refuge for pedestrians crossing the street. The City has submitted an initial design to Caltrans to install bulb-outs on Fourth at A and C, and for the south side of Fourth and Pomona Avenue.

Source:  City of Coronado
Image:  The Coronado Times

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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