Saturday, March 8, 2025

CUSD Registration Update: Limits to Changing Schedules

Students should feel confident in their planned classes now, as there will be limited opportunities for schedule changes at the beginning of the next school year.


Students and parents will see more strict guidelines on changing schedules and switching classes this fall. All changes will be evaluated based on class size, availability, and course load.

There will be no guaranteed class changes or dropping courses once school starts.

After three weeks into the school year, parents will need to meet with an administrator and schedule a meeting with the teacher to discuss the availability of changing a class. Even fewer changes will be available at that point.

Opportunities for Changing the Schedule

While all student registration is currently submitted, students and parents have until May 30th to make any final adjustments.

The ability to change the registration after submitting the final selection is uncommon in the county. We feel that extending the deadline to the end of the school year is important to give students the opportunity to evaluate their selection.

If your student has been questioning whether their selected courses are right, schedule a meeting with a school counselor immediately.

Things to Consider Prior to the Deadline

The most important thing to consider is if the course load is realistic. We have incredibly ambitious students in Coronado. Many times this ambition leads to untenable class workload.

Things to consider prior to the deadline:

  • Is the workload realistic?
  • Do the classes align with the student’s interests?
  • Is there a balance of rigorous academic work with enjoyable classes?

Maintaining the Best Education Possible

Registration is incredibly important for scheduling out the semester classes. Once students submit class preferences, we build out the class schedule for the following year. As a smaller district, this is a delicate process.

We want to equip teachers with the best class sizes to create an engaging environment. This is important to continue to provide such a high caliber of education. Unfortunately, five to ten students looking to adjust classes in the fall jeopardize that balance.

This is why we will not be able to accommodate all fall schedule adjustments.

Guided Registration Process

At Coronado Unified, we pride ourselves on connecting with every single student. We are here to support students through their academic journey and help them become career and college ready.

Our counselors are here to help students navigate their academic, social, and emotional journey through high school and beyond. From addressing anxieties about the future to exploring different careers to helping them start to chart their professional lives, we have an extremely skilled staff that is dedicated to student success.



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