Thursday, January 2, 2025

Four Common Myths about Christ Church Day School

If you have school-aged children or even little tots approaching that milestone, chances are you’ve considered the option of private school. Just reading those two words “private school” probably brought images to your mind of uniforms and dollar signs, along with a few stereotypes movies have portrayed over the years. There are a wide variety of private schools out there, but some of them look nothing like the misconceptions you might hold. Christ Church Day School, a private school located on the beautiful island of Coronado, CA, breaks the mold of traditional public schools. See what makes them stand out among other learning institutes as we uncover four common myths about Christ Church Day School (CCDS).

  1. They Won’t Accept My Child Because of Religious Differences

One of the biggest myths CCDS faces regularly revolves around the faith the school represents. Many parents wonder if they need to be Episcopalian or a member of the Christ Episcopal Church in order for their child to become a student. The Episcopal identity and the underlying messages behind everything the school does are acceptance and love, making this myth far from truth. CCDS focuses on Christian ethics and creating lifelong learners, while at the same time honoring and accepting diversity. All faiths (and those not associated with a religion) are welcome through the doors of CCDS. Not only that, but there is a sense of community and family that seeps into every aspect of the program. Parents concerned about their child fitting in due to religious differences or even issues like a divorce, are quickly eased by the welcoming arms of CCDS. And it’s not only the teachers and staff who make this possible. The students are taught those same values and participate through a buddy system to help new children acclimate to their new environment.

  1. Private Schools are Expensive

The cost for some private schools may be out of your comfort zone. But at Christ Church Day School, the tuition is much lower than people think at just $820 per month. In addition, this cost is considerably lower than other private schools in the area, some of which charge up to 30% more per month. Surprisingly, this affordability doesn’t indicate a lack of quality resources. CCDS aims to be inexpensive while still providing low student to teacher ratios, specialty courses, and sophisticated technology in every classroom. For families in need, there is some assistance available, as well as for active duty military families.

  1. The Acceptance Process is Too Highly Selective

Parents looking at private schools often worry that their child won’t be accepted during the application process. Common concerns include:

  1. Is their child ready to enter school?
  2. Is their student performing well enough academically?
  3. Does the family need to be a Coronado resident?

CCDS serves grades K-6, starting with a fairly new approach to kindergarten; they provide both junior and senior level kindergarten classes. According to Judy Hunsberger, Head of CCDS, both kinder classes are academically based and follow the same school day as the rest of the grades. An important aspect about junior kinder is that it’s not a preschool—it’s more of a transition program into senior kindergarten. This helps those parents who struggle with whether their child is ready for kindergarten.

In terms of academics, the program doesn’t favor or focus on high-performing students. CCDS’s small class size and tailored content enables all children to thrive and be accepted. There’s a community feel within this school that looks at each child’s needs and finds a way to meet those needs collectively.

Being situated in the highly sought after community of Coronado, CA is an added bonus for CCDS. Thankfully, it’s not a requirement to attend the school. In fact, according to Hunsberger, 20% of the school’s students come from areas outside of Coronado.

  1. Teachers at Private Schools are Less Educated

It’s true that teachers at some private schools may not hold a teaching credential. Christ Church Day School obliterates this misconception by ensuring that all teachers at the school are credentialed. Every teacher your child encounters, including specialty courses like physical education or art, are certified.

If your child is ready to be a lifelong learner in an environment that is founded on the love of God and love for fellow human beings, please submit an admissions query.

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