Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mike Donovan Announces Candidacy for Coronado City Council

Letters to the Editor submitted to eCoronado.com are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, editors or writers of eCoronado.

Submitted by Mike Donovan

Happy 2016!  As we look ahead to the new year, I want to begin 2016 by announcing my candidacy for Coronado City Council. Based on my observations during the past couple of years, my belief is that residents are losing the priority we deserve in City Council decisions.  More recently, a number of initial decisions seemed to be out of touch with the desires of the majority of residents.  My number one priority will be maintaining residential quality of life first and foremost.

After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy and a year of post graduate school at MIT earning an engineering master’s degree, I first came to Coronado in 1975 as an Ensign on temporary duty en route to Nuclear Propulsion Training.  After completing this training in Vallejo, California, and Idaho Falls, Idaho, my wife Christine and I moved to Coronado permanently in 1976.  The next 40 years included assignments in two nuclear powered cruisers homeported in San Diego, transition to the Naval Reserve (retiring as a Captain in 2004) and a 30-year career at Solar Turbines Incorporated.  We raised our two children Peter and Elizabeth here, both educated in Coronado public schools, from kindergarten through high school graduation.  During my military and civilian careers I have performed in positions responsible for more than 100 employees and multimillion dollar budgets.  My technical, managerial, and leadership skills and experience will be extremely valuable as a Coronado City Council member.

I will be communicating more on my background, thoughts, and ideas during the coming months and look forward to receiving feedback on the many issues facing Coronado in 2016 and beyond. I will be setting up a website in the near future, but until then please e-mail me at [email protected].

We all know Coronado is a particularly unique and exceptional place to live and I will work hard to maintain its residential character because once lost, we will never get it back.

Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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